Certified letter for injection permit

Hello, I received this certified letter for commercial injection well permit application from Miller Consulting Inc. I guess it’s close to two small parcels of land I own in Reeves County.

Can anyone tell me whether it’s going to cause any harm/pollution or decrease in value to my land?

I am still trying to reach someone in that company.

Thank you very much in advance.


EPSON055.PDF (875.1 KB)

Hello Eric. Sooner or later an injection well will cause some form of harm & pollution. I noticed on the PDF you attached it shows as salt water. Sounds benign enough but it really is produced water. Produced Water is many times saltier then sea water and also contains other heavy metals and “Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material”. Once this water is on the surface it basically makes a dead zone where ever it flows. There is also the issue of earthquakes like we had up here. I can elaborate further on the issue of harm and pollution if you want. As far as land value is concerned, it never seems to drive the price down when I purchase land but I bet it would if I tried to sell it. That may be my area though(Central Oklahoma). All the land around me has or had some type of well every 40 acres.

Hope this helps, Josh

Thank you very much Josh. Appreciate your help!

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