Candi 231411

Is there any information on the Candi Lease and Well #1H? the active date was 6/30/2018.

You need to add the section, township and range.

Section 14-T8N-R4W is the location of Candi Lease and Well #1H.

No completion listed yet for the well. You have to search for it in sec 23 Candi 23411 1H is the actual name of the well. Division Orders should be out soon.

The well has been completed since late June.

Sometimes it takes 6 months for the operator to file to Completion Report, and sometimes it takes longer for it to show up in the OCC records.

Thanks for the information.

My friends in this section are telling me no division orders have been sent out on this well.

Still no division orders on this well.

First sales were near 6/30/18. Contact EOG Resources.