Hi everyone, my mother was contacted by "Boomerang Land" in 2014 about some land in Atoka County: "17-2S-9E, owning 20 net mineral acres in N/2 NW/4." She passed away and I'm trying to find out what happened, but see that Boomerang seems to be out of business. As far as I know, no lease was ever negotiated or signed, but since they did contact my mom about leasing, I thought it was worth following up. Does anyone know what I should do or is there a different company/landman who might know about that area? Thank you!
You can go to Oklahoma County Records and search documents filed in Atoka County. Enter Boomerang name, and then the Section, Township & Range. You'll see that Boomerang filed several O&G leases in 2015 & 2014.
My condolences on your loss of your mother.
In regards to the mineral interest owned by your mother, it appears she did not sign a lease as none was filed of record in the clerk’s office of Atoka County that was indexed against the N/2 NW/4 in 17-2S-9E.
If your mother’s estate was probated somewhere in the state of Oklahoma it would be prudent to file the Final Decree issued by the court in the Atoka county clerk’s records. If no probate was done you could alternatively file a proof of death and heirship with the county clerk. This will give notice to the public of your presumed ownership of the minerals in case anyone is interested in your minerals at a future date.
The activity around the 2S-9E area has declined. Husky Ventures appears to have tried to do something in the area a couple of years ago. After a few dry holes, it seems that exploration in the area dried up. I am guessing things didn’t work out and they pulled out.
That being said, Husky and Gastar are decent sized companies and they saw a reason to try the area out. It is possible at some point in the future someone else will try again and hopefully make the numbers work.
thank you both!!