Can I list mineral rights owner on my resume

I currently have a job but not the job I thought I would have after college but still thankful. I’m trying to build my resume so I can achieve my goals and dreams. So my question is can I list it on a resume as a job or would I have to make it a business and would that be wise. This is a complicated question but thank you to anyone that can help.

Unless you manage a huge amount of mineral rights, I wouldn't put it on your resume. It would be like telling your future boss I own some Ford motor stock. Now if you acquired these mineral rights by buying them & then leased them for a profit, it would show some business skills.

They are being handed down from my parents. It has oil.

I think that would be detrimental. Employers will pay you less if they know you have outside income. When I was interviewing prospective employees, we would always look for someone with extra income or a good divorce settlement. We knew that no one could live on the wages that we could pay.

Dear Male,

How commendable that you have desires to achieve goals and dreams. And, how admirable to have goals and dreams. Sure, you could list being a mineral owner as a business if you intend to self-manage your minerals. The alternative would be to turn your inheritance over to a Mineral Manager. Mineral Managers cost. Would it be your worthwhile? You decide! Take the time to read up on what Mineral Managers do.

Sure, you could list on your resume that you are a Mineral Manager, IF, you plan to manage the minerals yourself. You would be the head geologist, engineer, accountant, negotiator, i.e., the top decision maker. And, if your inheritance also included the surface rights on top of these minerals, then you would now be the manager and protector of the land, minerals, and water.

I think this sounds like a business ... a business with a lot of responsibility. It's wise to promote yourself. I think it's great that you had this idea!

Your desires and credentials will speak for themselves.

Good luck!
