Camino pooling 27-7-7

Camino has requested pooling of all mineral owners in 27-7-7 in Case No. CD2023-001051. I have never chosen to “pool” any of my mineral interests at any time for any company. I have always leased all of my interests for a percentage share of the production and have never “participated” in any well.

Why does Camino want to pool everybody and force our “participation” in the well in 27-7-7?

Thanks in advance.

Camino is not pooling all mineral owners. The pooling is for those parties that have not agreed to lease to them or someone else. You can choose to lease, have your interest be a part of the Pooling Order or to participate. You have 20 days after the date of the Order to choose to participate or pick one of the options listed. You don’t have to participate and Camino can’t force you to participate. FYI, there are an awful lot of mineral owners in this section because most of the section is under the townsite of Chickasha.

Thanks Todd.

Canvas Energy is paying royalties on the Erwin 1-17 in 27-7-7. There are other wells in that section still producing. It seems that these wells would “hold” the section by production.

Why would we need a new lease?

Being “held” is dependent on a couple of things. If you leased, what does your lease say? If pooled, what zones were pooled vs what zone do the folks want to lease now?

if you would prefer to lease, contact Camino’s lease broker and ask them why you are being pooled, and if you are being pooled, ask to execute an agreed upon lease.

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