Camino Natural Resources

Does anyone have any information on the Caminio Natural Resources LLC Wild Turkey 0505 32-29 Well 1MH. Permit date 08/15/2019. I am looking for the pooling orders, my family has leases in this section but were never notified of this well. We have done business with Camino Natural Resources in the past and received working interest revenue when they bought the 3 Cummings Wells in this Section until they sold the wells to PO&G. It appears the surface hole is in section 33 just West of the 3-33 Cummings well. Thanks for any info anyone can provide.

Wild Turkey 0505 32-29 1MH was supposed to have a surface location in section 33, but no perforations in 33, only in 32 & 29. You can tell from the name. It was never drilled. The Cummings wells are all in section 33. There is no completion report for the Wild Turkey 0505 32-29 and no reports of any production on the Ok Tax site.