Bottineau County, ND Lease

Is anyone leasing in Bottineau County? We had just had a lease expire.

Matt -

According to Drillinginfo, the only OGLs signed in Bottineau Co. in the last 24 months have been from the State or BLM. I can expand the search into Renville, Ward, etc. if you are interested in surrounding counties. There have been a few permits filed in Bottineau. Resonance Exploration filed two in July, Ballard Petroleum Holdings filed 4 in the Spring, and the most recent one I found was filed by Berenergy ion 10/20/15. There have also been some completions that were confidential and are now public. Enduro has drilled some development wells in the Newburg Field.

I have the same question regarding Golden Valley County. My lease expires in December.

In Golden County, the only OGLs over the last 20 months I have found are also to the BLM & the State. Various lessees, no bigs. None since July. It looks like the last competition was on 2/9/15 by XTO. There have been 8 permits filed in 2015, none since February.