Bonus rates in Terry Co?

Does anyone have an idea of the going bonus rates in Terry County? Our interest is under Sec 20, Blk D-11. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!


0fers are all over the scale any from 250 to 775 ask what formation they want to lease you might even offer to lease only one formation talk to ones around your lease

ask trail mountain when they plan on drilling and did they sell to oxy look closely at your lease 60 views and not many replies wonder what they are afraid to say I know others who has turn down 250 but remember it is your call of what to do.

$300 is prob about the target rate since there appears to be much less demand than a couple years ago.

I guess you're talking about Sec 20 PSL ??

120 views and only craig and I talking the oil co are winning no

Is anyone getting released , since signing almost 3 years ago? I know we are coming up in a few months on the end of our lease in Terry County...just wanted to know.

As you are probably aware, the activity in Terry has slowed signifigantly in the last year. I would expect very little interest in being re-leased.

There are certain areas in the west part of the county where there is interest, but in the northeast quarter of the county where all of the action was last year, I wouldnt count on anyone getting re-leased or extended.

Amy, if it's a renewal or extension you'll probably get it signed and renewed.

However, if it's a whole new lease that's about to expire, probably not.

It's a renewal. They had the option to lease again for 3 yrs, same rate $500.00 acre & 25% royalty....I guess we will know by new year....:)

Well then if I had to place a bet, I would bet that they will renew it for the three years just in case the general outlook in the area improves. The only thing I would harbour doubts about is that the price tag of $500 per acre, which could tend to discourage them.

If it were closer to the $300 range, I'd feel more confident.

My lease is about to expire, the current lease is at $650 and the lease extenion is only for 2 yrs, if they dont want to renew, I have a company waiting to lease, weel see what happens , been watching D11 , sec 84

ray Iam going to contact you on friends so we can talk I want know who you leased to we got 775 not far from you and I am seeing activity we should talk elbert Dubose

can you tell me about the co who wants to lease yours I think I Know but I am not sure if you did not get my info on the friend link call me at 575 808 3305 thanks