Bonus in Loving County, Block 29, Sec 14

Have a small number of acres in Section 14, Block 29. Would appreciate information about the going offers for Bonus.

Please post in the state and county so that people who monitor that area will see it. This is a general category.

Keep in mind that bonus amounts are usually not the same throughout the county. In addition,The amount of bonus depends on a number of other factors, including whether there is an active “play” going on in the area where your property is located, what the competition is for leases, where the oil company is in its leasing program and a number of other factors.

Having said that, I’m seeing bonus in Loving County ranging from $50-$10,000, depending on where you are in the county and depending on the factors I listed above. I’m often seeing bonuses of about $6000 reported. This does not mean that is what your particular bonus should be. You will need a land man or an oil and gas lawyer who will research your specific property and determine what is appropriate for your property.

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