BLM oil and gas lease auction 5-8-12

I read where there were several parcels in Richland County up for lease with BLM. Several caught my eye. Parcel 149, located at 25N-58E section 5 was leased for $2,800 an acre! 41 acres lease

Whiting is drilling-well named Kittleson 24-8 TFH.

Parcel 148 27N-57E section 14 was leased $1,800 an acre. 58 acres leased

parcel 147 27N-56E 6 and 7 $1,900 an acre 43 acres leased.

Private mineral owners are not being offering any where near these amounts. What gives?

Is it something we should be asking for? I know these BLM leases are very competitive but how can we get private mineral holdings this high?

I for one agree with you how does an average hard working mineral right owner know what is being paid I've heard well the landman has to keep it secret because that's how he makes his money well yes i can understand that to a certain degree you think about it and the ones getting rich off us mineral owners are the oil companies They give us a little bone by offering say 4000 to 5000 for the rights to lease our land and to the average person heck ya that sounds good i could use that shoot pay some bills then they offer ya say 18% royalty well ok but then when you really sit down and think about it that other 82% of the oil their pulling out is going to them I am not trying to complain i believe the lord does justice to us all but it is frustrating to see the rise at the gas pumps and to know that we are holding something so valuable and really not getting that much out of it I don't know just a thought good luck to you I hope everyone who does have mineral rights does see some money I think if we would just all stand united and not lease to these companies well guess what what would they do when they have no land to make their millions God Bless Our Country

What royalty are they getting in these auctions?

If any operator is going to drill in a spacing that includes your minerals in the next 365 days, $1,000 an acre is probably the minimum starting out offer, at 20% royalty. ( My opinion of course based on my limited experience and interactions)

If any of you are mineral owners in the 4 hottest ND Counties....and you haven't leased can't accept less than the $1,000an acre and 20% royalty....I don't think there are many of you left out there.