Blaine County price per acre mineral rights

I own mineral rights on a well in Blaine County Oklahoma. I would like to know what the going price per mineral acre is in that county.

It varies greatly depending upon where your minerals are located. If you know that section, township and range, then someone might be able to give you some information about offers that they have received in the same section or a nearby section.

In what location, Section, T, R. ?

The Southwest quarter of Section 21 Township 14 North, Range 13 West

SE/4-SEC 21-14N-13W

Continental Resources has a pooling application for your section before the OCC right now. Several other sections in your township are also being pooled. If we look at the pooling bonus at 3/16, we see $825 for sec 29, $1100 for sections 20 and 32 and $1200 for sec 26. Sections 16 and 21 are subject to an emergency order to let Continental Resources to drill a well, Reagan 1-16-21XH, without the pooling order. There is already a completed gas well, Eichelberger 1-28-21XH drilled through sections 21 and 28. Send me a friend request if you want any more information.

How do you find out the activity on any given section/township/range?

Free and hard way is through the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's website.

The easy and fast way is through a paid service such as PangeaData, IHS, or DrillingInfo.


Mr Story is absolutely right about the OCC website: free and hard.

Lanette- I’ve been buying in this area. If you are interested, send me a note at


I would love to talk to you as well, please feel free to email me at

Minerals seem to be trading between 7,000/acre up to 15,000/acre in your area.