Black Mesa My interest 10-5-5

The well, Black Mesa, in Grady County that Camino drilled is a pretty good well so far. Of course production goes down each month but with the increase in oil and gas prices the checks I get have remained pretty consistent. I am just wondering how long I can expect this well to be productive? It has been producing since Februrary of 2000, I believe. (It seems I gotta worry about something!):blush:

It should produce 10-15 years. Some produce longer. Nobody knows how many dinosaurs died where your well is located. LOL

Thank you for responding to my question!

In general, the volume produced from horizontal wells is highest in the first 0-4 years and then the volume tapers off to be slow and steady but declining at a less steep slope for many more years. You can envision the shape of a hockey stick. The blade is the first few years and the long handle is the remaining time. The price of the products, your net acres and percentage of perforations will determine your revenue. (Hint, don’t expect what you are getting now to last very long, even with good prices…)

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