Bertha 2, 3, 4

The big rig is down. Don't see any info in Victoria Advocate Dusters and Gushers.

Does anyone have an update on Bertha 2,3, and 4 units being drilled (Penn Virginia) in

Lavaca County at Old Moulton off FM1680? Thanks for your help.

HI, Dorothy -

Please see the attached.

The Status of the No. 2H is presently unknown. Just have to wait until they file more reports.

It looks like the No. 3H was Spudded in on 9/1/2014 and reached Production Interval 7/15/2015 (that would be quite a delay).

And the No. 4H was Spud In 9/4/2014, but with no further progress yet reported.

If you say the Big Rig is down now, then the No. 3H and possibly the No. 4H have been Drilled and they will be moving in a Completion Rig. They are making progress, but in the current economic atmosphere it may be months before they bring in the Completion Rig.

Can't tell about the No. 2H.

Hope this helps -

Charles Emery Tooke III

Certified Professional Landman

Forth Worth, Texas

1057-BERTHANOs2H3H4H.pdf (967 KB)

Thank you Charles! This information is 100% more than I had. I appreciate your time

and responding back.

Charles, responding to Bertha 2,3, and 4. Looking for updated information. There is a

flare but I have no information on the progress of the wells. No paperwork received

from Penn Virginia for these three new wells.

1. does one only receive division orders on the first well and not addtl wells?

2. do you have access to any information as to the status of Bertha 2,3, and 4?

Are they producing at all? There is a fairly new pipeline in place. Thanks for your
