Beckham County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Thank you Darla,

I will pass on the info. Thank you for the help.


I'm new to website and would like to find out if anyone has information on the Carpenter Wells in Beckham county. I think they have started to drill. Thank you for any help possible.

David, Welcome to the forum.

When you make information requests, it is so much more helpful if you give the section, township and range. Then we have a better chance of helping.


Thank you for the advice.

Section 7-9N-23W, SE/4SW/4 and S/2SE/4.

I know that they had permits in November. They are called Carpenter Wells 1-7. I think they may have started 1-3 wells for drilling. The lease was up in November, but still have not heard anything.

David, there is only one permit. It is for the Carpenter 1-7 well.

The "7" is because it is in section 7. The well was spud on December 17, 2017. It is spaced at 320 acres.

If your lease was up in November and the well was spud in December, then you need to look for a clause in the lease regarding commencement of drilling. Unless you have a very clear "rig must be on location and actually drilling" and instead have a generic "when location is staked or permit filed", you may or may not be able to get another lease bonus.

The OCC does not have a completion listed yet and the OK tax site does not have an "active" file yet. Maybe someone who lives close by can say is the rig is down or not. The well is not that deep, so it "should" be done by now.

M. Barnes,

Thank you for all of your help. I just had the rights transferred to me after my mom's passing, so I have only talked to a person, I have not seen the lease. I will try to get the company that helped with the transfer to get me a copy of the lease. They mentioned that since they had the paperwork already in, that the lease would just continue.

David, I have information for you. Accept my friend request.