Bad Agents and Operators? Tell your story here

Have a good story about bad Agents or Operators? Tell your story here.

Ever done business with Alexander Production Company Inc., Elio Resources, Big InjunDrilling, Southern Mineral Leasing Corp? I'd love to hear about it.

None of those ring a bell in the posts I have followed.

Looking in (select West Virginia then select Ritchie) most of their activity is on the 1980s and 1990s. I don't know anything about them. Mostly well operators instead of drillers it appears.

My family was a partner in a company called "Big Injun" from the 50's to the 70's, and we did drill, but the company was closed and the wells sold to an operator. We were in the Cabin Run area near Cario. I still have most of the mineral rights. There quite well may be more than one "Big Injun". There were a lot of shifty people in the O&G industry back then, and I guess there still are.

My aunt around 1980 wrote about tanker trucks going out at night stealing oil from tanks at wells. I heard a couple years ago that this is still being done (in Ritchie County). Probably all over.

Yep, the locals would go out and help themselves to "drip gas" and run it in their vehicles. That stuff would make a motor sound like a cement mixer. Lol

We lost at least a couple of 60 bl tanks of oil, a separator, strings of pipe, quite a bit of timber, gensang and yellow root. If it wasn't tied down and watched in Ritchie, it was stolen. I hope things have changed some.

Now the "drug heads" steal stuff that rolls on wheels or has a motor and they can sell quick.