Attorney recommendation

I need to probate my fathers estate in Williams County, ND for the sole purpose of establishing that my father's heirs should inherit his mineral interest. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced lawyer?

Was his principal residence in Williams County, ND or it that where he owns mineral? If he resided elsewhere you would need to have it probated in the County/Parish of residency and then file the certified probate records in the Counties/Parishes he owned minerals.


I couple of years ago I helped a couple of sisters with a similar situation in Divide county. They were able to get payment on some mineral rights that belonged to an ancestor with a different name. They used John V. Boulger in Fargo, ND to represent them in the matter of the ESTATE OF PHYLLIS J REIMER. My contact was Debra Short of Madisonville, KY. The law firm is Wold Johnson in Fargo 701-235-5515 I don't know the firm but John Boulger definitely got he job done in an orderly fashion.

If you have probated your father's will, perhaps an Affidavit of Heirship will do the job. Boulger should know.


In my opinion you should hire a probate attorney that will help you in solving all your legal matters. A friend of mine has recently hired a probate attorney from Giles & Robinson. They have highly qualified and experienced lawyers.