Attorney or landman needed

I am looking to hire an attorney or a landman for research of a deed for mineral rights in Major County, OK. Any suggestions?

In my experience a landman (or woman) would be the best choice. BUT be sure you get references and estimate of cost before to commit to anything. We’ve had good and bad experiences and getting someone who is inexperienced or dishonest can make for an extremely bad experience. AND before hiring someone see if you can search some Major County records online. Some county records in Oklahoma can be searched online and for a small fee you can even print/download documents. However, if the deed is very old it might now be found online so someone (landman) would have to go to the county clerk and physically search the records. Hope that helps.

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BTW - Here’s the website to start on

Don’t forget to check with probate filings. Oklahoma courts use two different systems. Here is the one used by Major County. A final order may have information that you are seeking assuming that a probate was filed.

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