Aquisition inquiry... Royal Energy group

We have been getting aggresive requests to purchase our family rights in Payne Co. from Royal Enery Group, they doubled the asking price in 24hrs and again raised and now are putting time restraints to the offer. Does anyone have information in regards to this companies interest and as to why the urgency NOW?

Where are your minerals located in Payne Co? There have been many wells drilled recently reporting good production and proving areas. I've found that being rushed is being bamboozled. It's an old trick. My guess is they are trying to get your minerals before completion reports are posted on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission website for the public to view. I had a similar offer and the OCC had not released the reports on the recent well in my section, but some know how to get info in advance of the OCC release.

Section 21-18N-01E

We were thinking the same thing.... they are saying someone could do horizontal drilling into our wells and drain it dry etc. saying they can provide chart notes as to well production and so on. We are novices to the whole procedure but do know that to raise offers that fast means they know something is coming. Our thoughts have been domestic o/g is going to do nothing but expand but as I mentioned we are not UP on the latest news. Hence joining this forum. Do you have any suggestion on where to get further advice? I so appreciate your help Martha.

Roland, You are right. The USA is in a massive drilling program the likes of which has never been experienced. It is hard for mineral owners to comprehend because it's highly technical. This forum is one of the very best places to find good oil and gas information. Here's a great list of internet resources posted on this forum Also, go back through all the daily posts on county pages where you own minerals.