Apache donates second $million to Balmorhea State Park

Apache Corp. donates another $1 million for Balmorhea State Park (PBOG)

Houston-based Apache Corp. gave another $1 million for restoration of the pool at Balmorhea State Park. The latest donation announced Jan. 24 is for an endowment fund to support the park. John Christmann, CEO, said, “Balmorhea State Park is a natural treasure and an icon of west Texas, and it’s also a critical part of the local economy. But, most importantly, it’s a special place to the residents of the entire west Texas region.”

The popular, spring-fed pool was closed in May 2018 when park staff discovered damage to concrete under the diving board used to stabilize the walls of the pool against erosion. Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation set a goal of $2 million to raise funds for the repairs, and Apache gave its first $1 million as a challenge grant for the campaign. The Houston Chronicle said the foundation reached its goal Jan. 17 after receiving 575 donations. “That means a total of $2 million will go towards repairing the pool, ensuring that much-needed resources are not diverted from other parks statewide,” Christmann said. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Will this assuage some of the hatred for Apache by Balmorhea residents?..I doubt it.
