Anyone else had problems with Mach Resources check this month

Has anyone else had a problem with their Mach checks this month? Being substantially lower and showing things from September ?

Depending upon what section, township and range you are in, there may have been a recalculation of the decimal interests on a certain well back to a certain date. Normal decline in volumes of a well could also be a factor. If there was a new horizontal well, then they may have made a good faith first payment in order to not have to pay interest and they may have better title information now and have adjusted accordingly.

No they took money out on payment. Claiming they overpaid provided no information. Have been checking numbers with what has been reported to gross production all oil is correct. They are reporting more to gross production on gas than what they are paying us and also not listing anything in liquids. Anyone dealt with anything similar

Gas is rarely going to match the reported numbers due to lots of reasons. Yes, this is common. Ask for a specific accounting of the overpayment.

I am at KINGFISHER S4-17N-05W. I have several issues with MACH. For example, why are we just now in April being paid for production in Jan? I will also raise the issue of “Blanchard Interest” which was arbitrarily applied to my interest after they took over production that was being held by a lease signed by my grandmother in the 1960s. This lease does not provide for the application of the deducts which I understand applies to “working interest owners” which is not our position as a mineral interest owner.

I provided a copy of my original lease over a year ago and they have refused to respond to my question by “demanding I provide additional documentation to prove my issue”. How can one improve on the original lease documentation? They have sent me a division order listing my trust as a Blanchard Interest which I refused to sign. Mach deducts represent about 10% of my royalties.

The lease should be on file at kingfisher county courthouse.

Also in the issue I have they claimed we received payment for another well since September and they just discovered it. Am curious how they do that with gas, and then provide us with ours and subtract 4 times the amount. Be sure and check your checks and make sure it is done appropriately.

Be aware that BCE-MACH has bought several sets of lands over the last few years. We were have trouble as well, so had to make sure that they had our owner number from previous checks and which BCE-MACH group I was requesting from. They had us under two different owner numbers since we were in two different counties and claimed we had returned mail. (Same address for over 60 years…) so they just stopped paying us. Patience and quite a bit of documentation are required. They bought other operators, so they may not have copies of the original leases or pooling orders, so that helps them get up to speed.

Attn. to Ms. Barnes especially: My head-scratcher stemmed from Continental Resources’ most recent payment statement (March) showing no fewer than 23 ‘adjustments’ dating from late 2015 to Jan. 2020! I understand that adjustments of this sort are built into the system, but why such antique ones? Is that also par for the course?

Yes, there can be many reasons for an internal audit which results in massive corrections. Some companies do them periodically, some do it if they have accounting software updates, some do it when they buy other companies and check title on the new acreage, etc. NARO (National Association of Royalty Owners) has a very good webinar on this topic. You can find it on their website. Free for members, $25 for non-members, but the price can go toward a membership.

Much obliged for this helpful reply. DT

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