Any news around St. Demetrius?

Noticed a filing for pooling 142w 99 Secrion 8. Any insight as to what this means or what’s happening?

Can you share a document or reference?

Here’s the link:

Case No. 29370: (Continued) Application of Continental Resources, Inc. for an order amending the field rules for the St. Demetrius and/or Bullsnake-Bakken Pool, Billings County, ND, so as to create and establish the following: (i) an overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit comprised of Section 32, T.142N., R.99W. and Sections 5 and 8, T.141N., R.99W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed four wells on said proposed overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit; and (ii) four overlapping 3840-acre spacing units comprised of Sections 33 and 34, T.142N., R.99W. and Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, T.141N., R.99W.; Sections 34 and 35, T.142N., R.99W. and Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11, T.141N., R.99W.; Sections 35 and 36, T.142N., R.99W. and Sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, T.141N., R.99W.; and, Section 31, T.142N., R.98W., Section 36, T.142N., R.99W., Sections 1 and 12, T.141N., R.99W. and Sections 6 and 7, T.141N., R.98W., authorizing the drilling of a horizontal well on or near the section line between existing spacing units on each proposed overlapping 3840-acre spacing unit, and/or such further relief

I guess I’m wondering what this means. As a mineral owner in this area, I’m wondering what this means.

looks like they want to increase the pooling from 2 sections to 6 sections?

I’m new to all of this. Could you explain this to me? Do you think i’ll be getting royalties?

if you own minerals in 142-99-8 your minerals are probably currently pooled with 142-99-section 5 (the section directly north). A well anywhere on sections 5 or 8 goes into a pool for both owners in both sections.
However this looks like they are asking for amendments to the south between 142-99 and 141-99 so your section is not involved.

What I don’t understand is how overlapping spacing units work. If you study the map OGD_DSUnits_June22.pdf ( all of the units in the above amendment request already have wells in them.

If i have the mineral rights to 142-99-8, should I be getting royalties or something? I just leased them and got the lease payment at the end of June.

you got a signing bonus. no more payments until they poke a hole and get some oil/gas out of it. time to wait and watch. Good Luck. :slight_smile:

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Any idea where I see what’s going on in that area besides the ND DMR site?

ND state auction every 3mo.

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