Any new drilling applications?

Has anyone heard about anything happening in Roger Mills - 03-11N-26W and 18-11N-25W

Nothing really new in those sections. Since you have an active well in 3-11N-26W and in 18-11N-25W, there is no new leasing.

3-11N-26W the well is capped but I heard there was an application to drill but I am not sure where to check?

I do not see a P&A form filed for Hunt 1 in 3-11N-26W. No new well permit there either.

I see a P&A for Mary Lou 1-18 in 18-11N-25W. Back in 2021.

If there are new wells pending, you will get mailings from the OCC. Make sure your name and address are correctly filed in the county courthouse with the recording clerk of deeds.

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