Any leases being renewed?

I was wondering if anyone has any recent experience with leases being renewed, or being replaced with a new lease from a different company. I have a lease that expires in October of this year on 20-16N-05E, and was wondering about the prospects on it. I also have a couple over in Creek County that expire early next year. I know the entire oil industry is on the ropes, with many long time employees being laid off. Hopefully, we've seen the bottom of this cycle.
On a completely different note : My wife and I need a new fishing hole. We've been going for years to a pond on Elmo Howard's place, but since he died we can't get in there. I'd even be willing to pay a small fishing lease fee if that would help. It would just be me, my wife and maybe some grandkids. Nor beer or bikers.

Thank You,

Barry McKeown

Dear Mr McKeown, nothing seems to be happening in section 20 or the surrounding sections. Some leases were being taken up until the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 then everything stopped.

Can't help you with any of this but your note about a fishing hole brought back great memories! When I was a kid (we visited our grandparents in OK) we used to go to a fishing hole probably in the Meeker area. They were from Shawnee but used to live in Meeker before moving to Shawnee. All great memories except for the time my sister cast her line and hooked me in the lip with some nasty bug on the hook. Fortunately I still have my lip. I hope you can find a new fishing hole!