Any activity in section 35-9n-5w?

Hello. I’m trying to find out if any activity is going on in section 35-9n-25w. Our lease was sold to trp and the lease was only Valid until 03-31-19

That legal address is not in Grady county. It is in Beckham. Please check it. If you are in Beckham, then there is no activity in 35-9N-25W. If you are in Grady, then which range?

My Documents show Recording: B4777 P0045 Grady County, OK. Section 35-9N-25W

Are you sure it isn’t 5W? 25W is not in Grady. I tried to pull that book and page and got zero hits.

Sorry I called the leasing company TRP and was told the # was a typo on the cover letter it’s actually 35-9N-05W

That makes more sense. I changed the topic heading at the top to reflect the correct range.

TPR Midcon pooled the section in April of 2018. They had a horizontal well planned. Stevie 1H-35. It was spud on 1/13/19, so your lease is held while the well is drilled and completed. The well was online approximately 7/1/19, so you should get a Division Order in about five months and payment in early 2020. The completion report should show up in about three months,

What is done is done. But if you ever lease again, I would make some changes. I would not allow the post production charges. I would have asked for higher royalty. I would have a strikethrough of the right to use free out cost … clause. I would strike the to lease clause. I would adjust the fire, storm, etc. clause. I would not warrant title. I would not do a an option to renew. I would limit the shut in time frame. I would add a depth clause and a commencement of drilling clause. Not giving legal advice, just mentioning items that I look at carefully,

Thank you very much for the info. :slight_smile: