Another set of Eyes on this offer!


Most of our property in Burke County is handled through Oasis Petroleum. I recently was contacted by AQYRE LLC with a mineral rights offer for the following;

Township 161 North, Range 91 West 5th P.M.
Sec. 30: NE
160.00 Acres m/l, Burke County, North Dakota

I would love another offer to compare this to? Any Landmans or anyone know of what I can do to get another set of eyes from another company on this?

Thank you in advance!

I was contacted by this company last December . I refused their offer . All my holdings are also in Burke county ,I am a next door neighbor to your holdings . I have had no other offers .

Have you sold or had any other offers? We might be interested.

@Pamela_F_Peterson Have you sold or had any other offers? We might be interested.