Andy action in block 72, section 12?

Any drilling, or salt water drills in block 72?

Marietta there was an approved permit back in 2019 for a SWD in Section 12 but I can’t find that it was ever drilled…I also find that there was an approved permit for an injection well in 2018 in Section 32 but as far as I can tell it was never drilled…I see no new permits submitted for SWD wells in Block 72… API 389-38388

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Thanks Clint for taking the time to answer my question. It was very kind. Yes, in 2019 we were approached to install a SWD on our property. It took a year to get the permit and so it was then 2020 and the market had fallen out and the investors paying for the well pulled back their funding. I believe that the permit people have a few more months before the permit for this SWD expires.

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