Ancillary Probate Grady County

I need a recommendation for Ancillary Probate Attorney in Grady County.

Type in “attorney” in the search (magnifying glass in upper right corner) and you may get more names.

Also, I am moving this over into Grady county, OK for you.

John Nelson at PCNJ in Chickasha is awesome. He’s done several projects for us including probating or mother’s will in several counties in Oklahoma. The man is very responsive by email and very communicative overall. I recommend him highly.

There are lots of attorneys. Here are some questions to ask: -What time frame is involved? -Do you work on a flat fee? -Does this qualify for a expedited procedure such as “ancillary” or “summary probate”.

If the matter involves minerals only attorneys like myself can work a flat fee. A summary or ancillary probate can be wrapped up in a couple of months.

I would suggest Dick McCalla out of Chickasha, Oklahoma. He is past president of the Oklahoma chapter of NARO. (National Association of Royalty Owners.)

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I second that recommendation of Dick McCalla of Chickasha!

I recommend Kerry Caywood of Park, Nelson.