Amend Permit to Drill 03/12/2013 Change to Horizontal Well-Change Well #-Change To Oil/Gas/Well


Thanks so much for posting these. What does this mean to us as mineral owners? I am not sure why they are amending this permit or what it means for us and was hoping you could provide some insight. We got a letter from the attorney about them getting this on the docket for an emergency hearing or something, but still not really sure why or if it's a good thing. Thanks again


More than likely the original permit that was issued was for a verticle well. Personally I would much rather have a horizontal well drilled on my ranch than a verticle. Good possibility your royalty checks could be 2 or 3 times larger. The cost to drill a verticle well could be several hundred thousand dollars where a horizontal well cost could be from 3 to 10 million dollars. Just my opinion. Good luck on your well.

Clint Liles

Wow, thanks. I think, but not entirely sure, that this was originally a disposal well. Perhaps they found something when they got out there?!?!? We can always hope. Anything is better than nothing and we will take it! Thanks again for the time you spend helping us newbies on this forum :-)


you were right about this was to be a "Disposal" well. Here's the link to the permit that was issued in the past---

Clint Liles

Thanks Clint. Guess time will tell, but things look promising!