Thought everyone with mineral or royalty interests in Southern Reeves County, Texas might want to know about this:
Charles Emery Tooke III
Certified Professional Landman
Fort Worth, Texas
How far east does this go... Midland and Howard counties?
Dunno. Guess we'll find out together.
Earlier this year our 58 acres in T&PRR 55T7S Sec 8 was re-leased by R & J Graham in Boerne. Robert Graham was one of the principals in the initial secret leasing done by Petrohawk in the Eagleford. I will be surprised if it isn't actually an Apache lease. According to the trend map that has been published, our property looks to be on the n/e edge of the area. There are two Apache permits issued in August about 4 miles sw of us: 56TS sec 34 and sec 36 (api 42-389-35324 and 42-389-35325). I just hope we are not outside the trend (again).
There are some maps in their investor presentation on the Apache website. Basically a horseshoe around the base of the Van Horn and Davis mountains out in the desert flats. A little into Pecos, Jeff Davis, and Culberson Counties, but not much. Roughly the SW 20% of Reeves County.
I posted my thoughts on the announcement in the Reeves County group and will not repeat them here.