Affidavit of Heirship Question

These “Affidavit of Heirship” forms (NM, TX) want the form to be filled out & signed by a disinterested person" who knew the decedent. In this case I know of no person still alive that knew the decedent. He died in 1950. I am not a direct beneficiary but my mother was (she and all her sisters are deceased too!). I was thinking, I would ask my wife to sign the form and I’ll write an explanation and include that as an Attachment. Sound okay? Or should I do something else?


Hello TripleF, If your mother was a direct beneficiary, then you are related as her son. My husband’s mother passed too and my mother-in-law’s husband (my husband’s father) predeceased her, as well, along with my mother-in-law’s sister and brother. My husband being her only son, completed the form and added me as his wife. I would contact the company that is requiring the form and tell them your situation; they should be able to help. After all, the company says to fill the form out as best as we/you can. Good luck

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