Aethon Filed For Two New Drilling Permits Today

Today is (3/12/2024). These are their first new permit requests since April 2023:

Aethon has drilled seven Lower Bossier/Haynesville wells to date in Robertson County, but have only completed three of them (drilling on the seventh well was completed in July 2023).

Given this, it was somewhat surprising to see them file for new permits. Although they have done some leasing in Leon and Freestone Counties as well, I was expecting that they would eventually sell their position to Comstock, as Comstock has established a much larger lease area and invested in treatments plants and pipelines.


Still wondering if Comstock will be moving toward my mineral interests in Leon County: Scritchfield A-26, Martin A-616, and Martin A-608. (And also my mineral interests in Limestone and Freestone Counties.) It’s hard to know where they’re headed.

I tried posting on this thread earlier but my comment seems to have been disapeared by the moderator. I am sorry if I did something wrong. I will try again. There is a new article on Hart Energy telling how Aethon is looking to aquire more land in Robertson and Leon Counties. I have access to it, but unfortunatly it is paywalled for most:

Aethon Cuts Rigs but Wants More Western Haynesville Acreage

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