Activity in Section 33, 2N, 4W?

Anyone here have any insight into this area? Own a few mineral rights here.

Much Appreciated

Quite a bit of leasing in that section by Parker Investment Group, Continental Resources, Warwick Minerva and Patriot Field Services. Seems like something is percolating. Surrounded by horizontal wells.

Would greatly appreciate getting some additional insight on this. Any chance you would be available for a quick phone call. I own quite a few acres here and looking for some direction (not necessarily advice but I will take if offered). Thanks

This section has been ignored for a while as tremendous amount of drilling has occurred to the north in 28, 27, 26 & 35, 25& 36.
I have some old maps from my grandfather and there is a big thrust fault running right along the southern border of the section or even into it depending upon the zone of interest. Newfield controlled tat area for many years. They have been bought by Encana, so will see how that shakes out.

Given where the Claudine well ended in 32 and where the majority of the wells in 35 and 36 ended, I have a feeling that fault or another may extend into the section about a third of the way in. I can’t say that for sure. Seismic would clarify a bit.

There were at least 38 leases filed in the last 999 days. The most recent in December of 2018. No current cases are filed at the OCC.

when we obtained ownership of the acreage in early 2018 it was already subject to a lease signed in 2017 where a $3,500 per acre bonus was paid. To date there has not been any drilling activity (that we know of) and lease expires in 12 months. I believe in 2018 we received a few offers to buy the acreage for $10k per acre . thoughts??

Those leases from 2017 are going to start to expire in 2020, Continental or Newfield will probably have to drill or lose them. Someone just answered your other post about what they had been offered.