Activity in Reeves County Block 57, T3, T&P RR Survey

How strong is activity in this block. My interest is in Sections 30, 32, 40 and 42. I am aware of six permits in these sections. How do I find spud dates, etc? FWIW, I have been offered north of $170,00 for my small (.001953...NPRI) interest in all acres of these four sections.

$170,000? 0r $170 per acre?

Same question in Block 58. I have an undivided interest in sec 33 that I am going to take to NAPE.

The offer was to PURCHASE my small royalty interest in all acres in the four sections.


Who was it that made the offer?

have 194 acres in sect. 31, blk 2, been offered $11,000 acre, is that close to your 30-32???


My interest is in Block 57 T3 T&P. My guess is that I am about 18 miles W of your location. Sure wish someone could tell me how to find spud dates.

There have been several offers made to other relatives, none to me. Powder River and Y3 Ranch are among those making offers.


I generally find spud dates on the approved drilling permit but it's after the well has been completed. I checked the approved drilling permits on all 6 of the wells and find nothing at this time. There may be another way to find out about spud dates that I am not aware of other than possibly calling the Railroad commission or sending them an email.

Clint Liles

Mr. Liles, thank you for the reply. I will try to contact RRC. Interest must be picking up in the area, the offers now are 150 times what they were offering two years ago.


Personal Message and Friends Request sent.

Clint Liles

up-date-- just received letter from ONCOR electric delivery company LLC proposed riverton--sand lake 345 kv transmission line project meeting 15, 2017 reeves cty civic center 4:00--8:00 PM. one proposal follows Pecos river about 1/2 way to hwy 302. looks like additional electric will be needed in that area. have 194 acres in sect. 31, blk 2 next to river.
