Activity in Haskell County 9N, 22E

I’m interested in any information about activity in Township 9N, Range 22E in Haskell County. Specifically, section 4, so activity in the Southern portion of 10N, 22E would also be of interest.

We have had our interest leased a couple of times over several decades, but as far as I know it was never drilled, and the most recent lease is long expired. Recently, we were contacted by a company that says it is now purchasing mineral rights in 9N 22E. I’m probably more interested in leasing again than selling, but it did make me wonder about activity picking up in the area.

Does anyone know anything about activity in that area, and typical terms of leases?


No leases taken in this area since 2009. Pretty quiet in the Oklahoma oil/gas patch these days.

Thanks for the update, Todd. My last lease was indeed in 2009, and expired after 3 years.

I looked up the permit activity using a link that someone here had given me years ago (Oklahoma Corporation Commission - Electronic Well Data). Found a handful of wells within roughly a mile or two of my area, some showing gas and some dry in the “well type” column. However, I don’t see anything on that site giving dates, so they may all be a decade plus ago. A few showed nothing in the well type, so I thought perhaps they were in process. However, maybe they just decided not to drill if there isn’t any recent activity.

Maybe the people interested in buying rights just figure this is a good time to buy cheap and hope that at some future point when prices rise, they’ll be worth more.

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