A corrupt Appraisal district

Good morning everyone. I live in Reeves County and I do not have minerals . But I do own a home. I am here to let you all know that I recently found out that the Reeves County appraisal office is under an investigation for misappropriation of funds, discrimination, and deliberately conducting illegal actiivites. LINEBARGER Goggan Blair and Samson property attorneys from Odessa can not be trusted as they work for the appraisal district. I was told by the new management that the attorney that was covering Reeves County may also have been involved. My advice to you all that hold any kind of property rights in Reeves County is to talk to an attorney outside of the Permian basin. I spoke to an attorney from San Antonio TX within the Wade Caldwell law firm, but as I do not own minerals they could not help me, but maybe they can help you all. I do not believe in keeping silent. The Lord says that if good men and women do nothing then evil prevails. I hope this helps.


Thanks for letting people know. The appraisals in that whole part of Texas are crazy high IMO. My dealings with the Reeves County Tax Assessor / Collector have been pretty frustrating.

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that law office name sounds familiar. I think they have a lot of government real estate contracts in different States. very interesting. :thinking:

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