5N property all sales except minerals

How do I search for mineral rights ownership for 15N property all sales except minerals/surface only. Father died intestate, trying to consolidate all assets. Found Quick deed, but do not know where to start regarding mineral rights.

The first place you can start is with www.okcountyrecords.com. You can look up his name. The digital files only go back to the early 1990’s. You may have to go to the courthouses in any counties for properties older than that. Start with the deed you have and find it, then go from there.

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A Quick Claim Deed conveys whatever ownership interest the grantor had at the time. If the grantor owned the surface and minerals both are conveyed. One would need to look at the deed in question.

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OK, Thanks. I found the Joint Tenancy Warranty deed for 40 acre sell which states “Less Except 1/2 undivided mineral interest” My parent, his 1st cousin (both deceased) and his ex-wife, are listed as selling parties. Not sure if that is same as Quick Deed.

10 acres of 40 was later sold from buyer to another with the same "Less Except 1/2 undivided mineral interest.

Initial owner, my great grandmother started out with 160 acres, probably split between 2 sons.

Not sure where to go to inquire about the relevant mineral interest information mentioned in the deed. I live in Santa Monica, CA and am trying to trace applicable info long distance. Where would tone start from here?

I admit I don’t know much about mineral rights and perhaps do not understand your question but I do know that our family’s mineral rights in Logan County are registered with the Logan County Clerk’s Office. So wouldn’t that be someone to contact? Here is the email: LoganCoClerk@coxinet.net

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