45 year old mineral rights


My mother received a letter from a company named Black Oak asking to purchase my father’s mineral rights. We had no idea he had any and aren’t really sure of what to do. I contacted an attorney who has assisted in negotiating, however, I am not sure that selling is the right thing to do. It has been 45 years since the purchase. We recently received another notice to sell as well as an order to drill on property that my grandmother owns. I have anxiety over the “quick” payout as I am not sure if that is the smart thing to do. Does anyone know what is going on in McClain count that would spark interest in the acres? The section is 34, township 7 North, range 4 West. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you


Kroix well was spud, i.e. drilling commenced, 2/26/18. The Corporation Commission does not have a completion report on file yet.

The Jerry well was drilled 2 years ago.

Both are Woodford wells.

Have you checked unclaimed properties in Oklahoma?

They have already applied for approval to drill 3 more wells in the Woodford on this section.


I don’t see where the pooling orders have been issued. You should make VERY sure an election is made on these rights on their behalf. .

Both my parents and my grandmothers names are on this document. The document we recieved states they are establishing a drilling and spacing unit.

You want to check these two pooling applications also. There is a possibility they are named. If so, you want to make sure contact info is valid so an election can be made.

http://imaging.occeweb.com/AP/CaseFiles/occ30013294.pdf http://imaging.occeweb.com/AP/CaseFiles/occ30027272.pdf

Selling your minerals is forever, so don’t be in a hurry to sell. Also, unless you are in need of quick cash for a serious reason, selling is usually not the best option.

The phrase “quick payout” doesn’t mean anything to me. There is a hook in that bait, so be careful.

IF somebody is buying they are feeling pretty safe that they will make 2 to 10 times more than what they buy them from you for. They are not doing it to lose money. Plus, they are just land, but underground. You own them producing or not. That is a very hot area for oil.