30 prime acres mineral rights for sale in reeves county in proven oil field

My property is about a mile from the Mary Ralph Lowe lease (# 42758) that produced 22,000 barrels month before last and is about two miles from the Christopher Columbus pipeline.

There is extensive activity all around my property in the region.

My Abstract number is A-4943

There is an active lease in effect in which I have a 25% royalty rate. It is with Ted Collins who has leased or sold it to CWEI. The lease has 18 months to expire. CWEI has just finished several wells near my property and there is extensive activity in this Permian Basin region as historically there has been.

I am asking $7,500 per acre acres. 30 acres are available.

You may e-mail me at : Swainschaeferb3@gmail.com

and I'll be happy to answer any questions I can for you.

Wade Caldwell and Javier Milan are handling this for me.

You may reach Mr Caldwell at:

(210) 225-1655 and (210) 228-3617