
Our family has interests in this section, and the description contains the following:

LM Spencer 1-20. Wondering what the significance of that is.

LM Spencer 1-20 is a well drilled in 1997. Still producing as of Sep 2013 most recent data. You should be getting royalties on it although small.

Thanks...As far as I know, we have never received any royalties on that...I wonder who to write and inquire?

What exactly does the description say? Was there an estate involved? They may have never found you if there was a name change or an incorrect address. Kirkpatrick Oil company drilled the well. They would have held money for five years then turned over to the state. You can search on the unclaimed funds for the state of OK. With a little more info, I can get you started...

Thanks for your offer, I will do some research.