2& 11 2S-3W Carter Co

M Barnes my description is 2&11 2south 3west Carter county.

What is the location? Carter or Dewey County?

Carter county mrs Barnes

I moved your comments out of the Dewey county and into the Carter County Category in order to deal with it separately.
What is your question? It has gotten lost in the shuffle.

Continental Resources has pending cases in 2 & 11.

I got a certified letter yesterday from Continental Atty’s subject was Pooling. I can’t find an answer for pooling or not.

Look at the top of the letter. Is it from the OCC and does it have an order number on it. If it does, then read the options. If the number is 2020000010 (sec 2) or 011 (sec 11), then the pooling is set for 1/27/20.

Yes it’s section 11. How do I respond?

If you own minerals in Section 11 and they are not currently subject to a lease, you can wait for the pooling order to issue or you can lease to anyone else that you want to negotiate a lease with. If you choose to be subject to the pooling order, you need to respond in writing to the Operator of which option under the Order that you choose. You have 20 days from the date of the Order in which to respond.

My brother just called asking a bunch of questions about a Houston company calling him about a lease option. I’ve been following this for a while just want clarity. I’ve even called Carter County to find out how much mineral acre I own. I naturally want the best deal Eric Huddleston letters. I understand better when I can write info down. Thanks

When making an election under a pooling order, best practices is to file the election with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) as well as sending it via certified mail as instructed in the final order.

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