Timeline for Gas Royalty payments

I have said my peace and am dropping the subject henceforth. I spoke with a Senator this morning and forwarded the information he provided to me to Nancy for her review. Do not quote me, but the new regulations took effect either 60 or 90 days after May 31st, 2018, thus either August or September 1st of 2018. For those that have minerals produced by Antero Resources, most / many received a unexpected check in the summer of 2018 from Antero, their efforts to comply with the new regulations.

Regarding goading of Nancy, your statement on the thread reflected behavior that is contrary to the TOS of the site, which can / has resulted in members having been banished. I would hate for a jovial comment to result in the loss of a highly intelligent and helpful member.

Cheers to all, Adios

Thanks everyone for your replies. This month makes 17 months since the well started producing.

Hope all can be friends here! I don’t get bothered by friendly goading. I do appreciate when people share information which Jim and WV Mineral Owner have both been doing. I received that extra check from Antero and sort of remember talk about it at the time. Always good to get paid more timely. And about division orders: I had one where the company (Noble) had not realized that my sis and I had twice as much interest as they thought. I had to have a long communication with the division order specialist who understood pretty quickly but had to convince his supervisor that the title attorney had made a mistake! It took months but eventually we were paid for the part they didn’t think we had. Part of the delay was their having to figure out who was getting “our” money… So read your division order.

I remember writing that. It’s technically true. However, sometimes the lease will say that you have to sign any other documents necessary to accomplish the purpose of the lease, and they consider D.O.s to be necessary. It can be a big fight. So I recommend as a practical matter that you read through the D.O., make sure it doesn’t say anything different from what your lease said, and strike through anything that you disagree with. For example, Antero asks you to “certify” that you own the mineral rights. That sounds like a promise to me and you’re in no position to do that. Also Antero asks you to return any money to them if it turns out that you don’t own all or some of the mineral rights. That’s just not fair on their part.

Since I’m here (been a while), HB 4270 made it so the companies have to pay within 120 days of first sale and within 60 days thereafter, so checks should start coming monthly for the most part. They also have to report production from the well quarterly, which is a heck of a lot better than the yearly it used to be.

Good to see everybody here still! I’m going to try to be more active going forward. I have some good people working in the front office now who are taking some of the pressure off me so I should be able to spend more time doing stuff like this.

Having issues with antero for not paying interest on late royalty payments. They are telling me that i was late providing a sighned division order. I have requested from them any document i have sighned relieving them of that responsability.Has anyone else encountered this.

No they paid us interest for late payment 3 years ago but I signed and returned the DOs within a few days of receiving them.