Roosevelt County, MT - Oil & Gas Discussion archives


I was able to get to the You Tube site and view the materials you mentioned. Very interesting and somewhat amazing that all those wells were drilled in such a compact area. Do you know of a website that reflects the current lease owners of minerals in MT. EOG Resources had our areas temp. spaced but I don’t believe that they are the current leaseholders.


I am very aware of the swapping and trading that occurs with these operators. I am sometimes just curious as to who is the current lease holder. Best thing to do is wait to see who shows up on location and spuds.


Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing. The operator and lease holder may be the same entity, but many times they are not. The company who shows up on location may only be there as the drilling company (contracted to do the work) and do not hold the lease.


There is also an area on the PacSeis site in Eastern Montana which they call "Tiger 3D. It borders North Dakota and straddles Hwy 2. I did not mention it in the earlier comment, as it is not near my holdings.

RE: old wells on, yes, our old Alexander #1 from 1981, a dry hole is on it;;not too many really current wells!!

Look at the Global website. They show the area which includes your sections under their Montana work.


I think your right in that in order to know who holds the lease on mineral acreage, you would probably have to make a trip to the Courthouse.


Yes, we are talking about the same thing. I am aware the company who drills is a contractor working for the owner or majority holder of the well. Guess my wording was decieving. I’m just ready for the ND type drilling to kick off in MT.


These “dry” wells are most likely old P&A’d wells from years ago. These producing in Eastern Montana consists of some older and some newer drills. My question would be, what formation are they targeting as some will not be Bakken wells. I can’t help you on the seismic maps as I am not familiar with reading and comprehending this information. If you get any detailed seismic results in T31 or T30 areas, be sure to let me know. I know that seismic work was conducted in both areas as we were contacted by a seismic company prior to these tests.


I will take a look at this site and try my luck at guessing what it means. I am particularly concerned as I said earlier, with T30N:R59E and T31N;R59E. The company who contacted us about the seismic work was Global Geophysical Services out of New Town, ND. They were scheduling this area when we were contacted back in October 2010.


One of your Twp, Rng’s (30,59)is in the very NE corner of Roosevelt, Co. and the other (31,59) in the very SE corner of Sheridan Co. Is this correct?


I looked at the site involving seismic work by PacSeis and it does not appear that they conducted work in my mineral area. There are a number of different companies conducting this type of work and I’m guessing it was that Global Geophysical company that conducted the seismic work on my area.


Thanks for the site info. I will check it out today. Things like this are always entertaining.


When I type in “anreport bakken shale”, I get a no results message. Please verify again the website for this info.


After the last post I forgot to add: Who (what company) took the lease and who owns it now may not be the same as leases are assigned all the time.


Yes, I too am ready for 200 rigs to be in MT this year. Bye the way, if you ever want to send me something you don’t want on this public site email me


I learn something new everyday in keeping up with this Williston Basin activity. That is the first time I’ve heard of this happening but I see you’re point. I have worked for 20 years around new drills in Texas and have never seen this occur. I guess they sometimes they do things a little different in Montana. I will put this in my notes on leasing . Thanks for the info.

Charles: After looking at wells shown on, both producing and dry, I surmise that many of the dry wells are “older”, and I have no idea about the producing wells. Yes, to get more detailed information it would take research at the Montana Oil & Gas Comission. Are you familiar with the seismic maps showing the “white mountain”, “red eagle”. and “apaloosa” areas in Twp’s 29, 30, 31N and Rng 48E, and Twp 29N. Rng49E? From looking at producing areas on that are South of Hwy 2 and run into Richland County and those North of Hwy 2 it kind of looks like the production runs in a SE to NW direction and North of Popler, MT in a NW direction in the Boxelder Creek watershed. Do you have any comment on this?


I googled 3d seismic in Roosevelt County, MT, and one of the sites I found was a company called PacSeis, Inc. Now I am not a geologist but they did have some areas shown as I mentioned and you can view them online. They also have some cross sections but as I mentioned I don’t know how to read them. According to what I printed they might have been done in 2010. If you can read the data maybe you can say what zone they were targeting.


Yes this is correct. To be specific, ite T30N;R59E;Sections 6&7 and T31N;R59E;Section 31