Non payment on Miller well in Love County

I think you should get in touch with your BIA administrator. There are strict rules when involving restricted Tribal lands.

Are you sure your lease wasn’t with RD Davis & Associates? I only see one Restricted Indian lease in that section that would have been taken by RD Williams and it does not have a 2 year option. However, there are 13 leases taken by RD Davis from Restricted Indian parties that have 2 year options.

Yeah. I don’t put much faith in theBIA. When the BIA attorney showed u p for the lease signed. She wasn’t well prepared. She didn’t know that RD Williams had allowed the original lease to expire. It was originally leased March of 2014. It was a 3 year lease with 2 year option. XTO spudded the well one year after the two year option was done. The BIA lawyer had no idea aboutbthe original lease. She also didn’t know that a well had been completed nor did she know that over 150,000 barrels of oil had been sold off the lease. OTC, OCC, BIA, or the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office really don’t seem to have any control over what XTO does or doesn’t do.

The Love County Miller well 1-28H20X17X8R production numbers continue to be strong since it started in July 2022 and I also have yet to receive any payments. Thank you Nancy43 for the update in your conversation with them recently where they indicated they are still working on the paperwork. Did they perhaps give you an estimated timeframe? I have not been successful at hearing back from them.

XTO does not seemingly respond in a timely manner, if they respond at all. I have even sent them a certified registered letter and never even received the USPS confirmation slip back from them. To call, you might eventually reach a foreigner from a Georgia phone number, who passively just passes you on. Good luck to you is all I can say.

I received an email response from xto in September. It stated that they found all my information ant they were still drilling, which is a load of maure. The person that i have been locally talking with informed me that it has been in production since july 2022. He said that we should have had paperwork by the end of june but hasn’t heard anything different from xto. I called him again today to try and get an update but no return call as of yet.

I have found that a certified letter demanding royalty payment and interest tends to get better results.
First sales were 4/28/22. They owe you interest. Send a copy of the completion report.

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