Mineral lease in Leon County - cost-free royalty?

Hello there,I hope all is well. Can anyone tell me if they have any info on these tracts in Leon Co.Texas. A-982 I&GN RR Co, A-736 Wilson Reavis A920 FG White

@Douglas56 That seems to be their standard offer at the moment. I know of people that have leased at those exact terms. The most I saw on another thread is from someone that negotiated to 600/acre and 22.5% (or thereabout). I ended up round there too.

When I talked to a lawyer about pushing for the cost free royalty etc, I was advised that I likely had little negotiating power as I was not drill site (i.e., within 330ft of the well; I was just at the edge of the production unit). The drilling and permitting was already done - by pushing too hard I could end up with nothing. The well went to production a couple weeks later, and I was lucky to sign on when I did. See Eric’s answer above.

@Mineral_Owner5 Did you actually lease at those terms here in Leon with Surprise/Comstock?

No I have not signed the lease as of yet. I was told that the current lease SVR sent me is not in my favor. Working on a counter offer. Doug D.

You need to get you another Attorney. Dealing with the broker usually get’s you no where.

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