Am I in the Deleware Basin

Hi, new here. I have been receiving offers for mineral lease and purchases, for Eddy County NM Section 13. Just wondering what’s going on there. I hear it will be pooled with Sec 14 and Mewbourn or Permium Resourses will be the operator. I spoke to someone who made one of the offers. He told me that four well’s are planned then another four. Anybody know what’s going on there T22 R26 Sec13. I not sure is this the Delaware Basin this is in?

Yes, its the Delaware Basin. I mean its getting to the edge, but its still in it.

I don’t know what specifically is going on there. No permit activity. Mewbourne has drilled pretty decent wells to the East (i.e. more “in” the basin than this). Definitely have Permian Resources doing pooling hearings just north of you (Sec 8-11). At some point folks leasing or trying to buy minerals are looking into more and more speculative areas, and this falls into that bucket. Seems likely to eventually get wells. But it might not.

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