Leases WestTexas

Dhara -

Please see the attached.

Are all of your lands under lease to Apache or only the parts that are Held By Production (HBP)?

In the past couple of years Boyd & McWilliams Energy Group has been leasing to the north of you. McCright & Associates has been leasing to the northeast of you and Apache has picked up or extended a few leases to the east and southeast of you.

Everything to the south and southeast and back to the west of you appears to be HBP.

There are a few nice wells in your general area, primarily Penn Detrital formation wells.

Respectable, but nothing like the wells being drilled further west and southwest - further into the Permian.

If any of your lands are open and available for leasing, you should first check with Apache to see if they are interested. They were the major player in the area up until a few years ago.

Otherwise, I'd suggest you get in touch with Boyd & McWilliams or McCright & Associates (both in Midland) and see if they are interested.

As far as Bonus Payments, I don't think you will get anywhere near what you've been hearing about in other areas.

Wish I had better news -
