Eagleford Update

Most Eagle Ford wells will last at least 20 years and as long as 30+ years. Problem after the first 12-24 months is that the decline rate will take the wells to a low rate that will maintain with much lesser decline over the life of the well.

About half of the well's total production will take place in the first 18-36 months (time range varies by area).

Expect your well to change hands from one operator to another over its lifetime as each one tries to milk as much oil as possible out of it at as low a cost as possible to keep making money

If you feel comfortable telling us, where is your well with CHK? Abstract name and number would be great and lease name would help too. I would like to look up the completion and production info as well as see the plat to determine if there is room for additional wells - which is where big future money will be.