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Hi the top right side of your post there will be a small blue on that X and you will be able to delete your post(s).

If you want to delete a 'Discussion' click on options........


Clint Liles

Hi - my inbox has became Empty: some friends have disappeared ; and I can't see the Forum Page like I always have before.

What has happened ?

Tks John Morgan


We'll look into this. Thank you for the notice.

MRF Administration

Why does the "search" feature on the homepage no longer work??

Gives this error notice:

Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to
powered byCustom Search

Why is the "SEARCH" function on the homepage not working. To me, this is one of the most-used tools on the site. When I enter search criteria and search, the following error appears:

Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to

Please fix this issue!

Thanks so much for all you do!

Hello, my name is Michael Purify and I've been discussing with Clint Liles and others re Roger Mills Co. for quite a least a year or two.

Now the site states I cannot post until an Administrator approves.

If I have done something wrong or acted in an inappropriate manner, please let me know what I have done...whatever the problem is just pass it on and I can assure you it will not happen again.



Where is the Search button? If I try the Google one on the page, it says unauthorized activity.

Martha, top right next to sign out. If you have Google Toolbar it might be blocking pop-ups

Thanks. I knew it was hiding somewhere. Will try that one instead.

Do i include my email or not?..initially i though it was required,

Now some comments are returned/not delivered..statment on another page said quit using email thru Mineral Rights Forum.

Are there other methods, forums or somewhere else to reply in order to avoid the Minerals Owners Site?

I'm trying to get things done correctly on here...perhaps there other requirements i need to follow which I have not located

I do not reply thru email..i do not know their mail address yet some of comments are returned stating quit emailing(?) something like that thru Mineral Rights Forum Forum.

If you will help me out as to what other method to respond or where to go, i will get it done,

I will get this correct, something i am not catching onto right now but will figure it out...any input would be appreciated,

i'd appreciate it. I was never snide or derogatory toward anyone, it was due to my not reading all of your information and used it as a platform without putting discipline & thought what i was doing because i had no idea how structured.

I've read about your site today, and you have lot going....more than i had ever imagined.

i had a lot to learn re how this site worked with different forums, where to respond...a lot of thing.

Michael, what are you trying to do? Have you tried to respond to an email alert from the Forum? Give a bit more info please.

appreciate the feedback M Barnes.. I will pay attention as to exactly what I do to trigger those responses.

I would like to speak with you again after I can provide precise methods of what I did vs taking a wild guess of what may have happened.

Also, I can think of only one person I've emailed, I've known her most of my and messaged her I was going to do so. There was negative feedback on that.

I am vary vary careful when contacting landman-girls I see who have info with or working an area that i'm curious about. I don't want this..he is coming on to me stuff.

